Posts Tagged ‘diva visits’

Roxanne, the Casting/Producer and Anna Marie c’est Top Model

September 3, 2010

“Bonjour, mon nom est Roxanne. Et c’est mon ami, le haut modèlent Anna Marie…”

Outside the Maison,  hung a sign saying: Little girl, Big Attitude.

Are we at the right place? Might this be the right Diva party?

We rang the door-bell.

With my english/french accent:

“Hallo , we have been invited to C’est party and we were told there vas lots of talent here…Is Isabella home?”

“Yes, she is”,  answered her mom and called out:   “Isabella, you have visitors…. a Casting Director from France and she comes with a Model…”

Isabella appears at the front door with a bunch of her beautiful talented friends and a happy, wonderful and fun party begins…

The producer needs to find out if there really is talent at that Glamorous party like she was told. Anna Marie helps the girls and tells them how to walk and pose for the cameras!

Here, beautiful Sofia takes a turn practicing before dress-up session!  Some of the moms, also lined up for the make-up session!  I love interactive,  ready to play and participating moms. This is great for the kids too,  because they have a fun and quality time with their mothers. A girl never forgets that day when mom allowed herself to be a child again!

Part of our portable make-up kit/station

Isabella and her pretty and talented guests, listening to Madame Roxanne’s instructions before the Fashion Runway show!

Our models, wanted to do well with the casting/director. Some of them even went back and forth, asking their mothers how you pronounced a few words in french. One of them came up to me with a very serious tone in her voice and says:

“Madame Roxanne, at the fashion show,  I will do my best and put to practice everything I have learned today, but if you don’t like it… “C’est la vie”. That is “that is life” in french”,  she clarified.  Of course,  she, and all of Isabella’s friends did wonderful at the show, and earned their kits to prepare for Hollywood and Cannes!

Anna Marie and I had a wonderful time at this party. I want to thank Isabella’s mom for allowing us to share this beautiful pictures with you. These pictures, and the ones from the decoration, (check out the article in this blog:  Fab-Diva Party at this link:, were took by professional photographer, Gabriela OCampo, Phone 407-595-1806

A few people can honestly say they love their job! I am so fortunate to say I am one of them. I really enjoy playing. Role playing, acting and having fun with your children.  A time to play,  is always,  a time to learn!

To contact Madamme Roxanne, the Casting Director and/or Anna Marie, Top Model, give us a Call at:  407 536 7520

check us out at