Posts Tagged ‘bday party for 3 year old’

A Tu,Tuuuu…Thomas The Train celebration.

October 7, 2010

Alex turned three this past Saturday.  What to do? What to do?

Her mom decided on a Tu, Tu party… This is how Alex calls his trains when playing because of the noise they make.

We showed you before some of the decorations created, but now  we will show cake, favors, pinata and party games you can have.

This party is the result of a vivacious toddler  fascinated with trains, and a super creative and loving mom!

The theme? Thomas the train, her mother decided on a variety of centerpieces. Instead of making one for all the tables, she did different Thomas scenes, some hold treats or chips. Check them out:

The party favors were mini Red bags made out of cardboard and vibrant red scrapbooking paper, (the colors are just more vibrant), featuring the same theme of the centerpieces. These favors were all in the same pattern.

I love how Alex’s mom wanted to incorporate the Number 3 in the Centerpieces. When she sees the pictures, she will have wonderful memories of that beautiful day.

Alex absolutely loved his cake, Lyneth did a wonderful job.  I prefer a combination of colors and patterns than the same old themed table cloths. Check out how the stars on the table actually enhance the cake without being absorbed among lots of color, matching the stars on top.

Mmmmm..This cake does not only look good it feels good too!

This is what Bday parties are all about: having unexpected but fun moments to treasure forever!

Games for this party where mostly pool games and water splash/fun with a tu… tuuu twist on them. Make sure you divide the kids into age groups when having a variety of ages. Specially when they play games in the pool, older kids might get rough with the small ones. Here Alex takes a look at his Tu tuuu piñata!

It is better to request a string piñata for toddlers. Each guest takes a chance to pull out a string instead of hitting it with a stick which is lots of fun, but  might be dangerous, specially for this age group.

Total Happiness!

Alex had a wonderful time with his Tu Tuuus…

We thank Alex’s mom for letting us share with you these beautiful pictures and  ideas!

For Train, Cho chooos and fun, contact us…