Phineas and Ferb… and Perry the Platypus Party


I know what we are going to do today…..

Let’s celebrate Phineas and Ferb style!! With creativity.

Twists for this party?   Plenty!

We have had boys telling us they want a Perry the Platypus Party and girls saying they want a Candance  celebration, based on the episode squirrel in my pants, even a boy wanting a Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s schemes celebration! There is no limit to what we can do for this party and we strongly suggest you bring your birthday child to the consultation process because children, most of the time can tell us by themselves what would be a hit at their party.  Mom and dads go for the general theme so here are some great ideas, styles, cakes and fun for a Birthday party based on any or every character of this fabulous cartoon you can see in Disney Channel.

The Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s Scheme and Invention Party theme is great.  And so is the story that gave life to our party theme.

In comes this mom to the consultation almost apologizing for bringing in his six year old (who happened to be the birthday boy). Sebastian was vivacious and could not stop moving with excitement;  he wanted to see the centerpieces we were working on, he asked tons of questions, he wanted to know why I was making a big tea cup with flowers when tea cups are for drinking milk, or tea or coffee…

“Is that your new invention?”  he asked me.

“Yes” , I replied proudly. It is my new invention.”

“So you are like Dr. Doofenshmirtz too? ” he asked.  “I like Dr. Doofenshmirtz, but no one understands him”,  he said in a soft voice.

Meanwhile, his mom spoke to my business partner,  Nancy,  about a Phineas and Ferb cake…..

“Wait a minute!”  I interrupted,  “I know what we are going to do this time…. A Doofenshmirtz’s scheme and invention session!”

So we decided that the character that should visit Sebastian’s party would be an old friend of Doofenshmirtz’s, Dr. Funzo and he would help the children create a gigantic Box-Robot for themselves. We would have a game with the children and their robot costumes, create our own scheme. How much fun, this craft project really works!  The children had lots of creativity. Here are some cute examples of what the Doofenshmirtz’s robots can look like:

You can go as simple or as complicated as you wish. It doesn’t matter! It is what our character tells them to do and how we build their imagination what really counts.  This is a great recycling project too.

Check out our new video for Dr. Funzo:

Ariella, on the other hand, wanted an “I want everything that has to do with Phineas and Ferb party”.  She is also an amazing dancer, and even got to do a Hip Hop performance at her own party.  She wanted a Perry the Platypus Piñata too!

This is a cute picture sent by her parents with the Perry-piñata and below she is dancing some Hip-Hop.  Have you ever danced/played the game squirrel on my pants?

Now, of course, we must not forget Perry!

We are currently preparing an Agent P party! It will be totally awesome. For this one, I will just give you a small hint because I bet some of the guests to this party are already reading this blog!

A HA! Gottcha!  Sorry, we just don’t want to ruin the surprise for you at Diego’s Bday.  Just a hint: we all get to be detectives! Each one chooses a letter so we will have Agent F, Agent C, Agent D and an unsuspected, unexpected and totally unaware guest will be a part of these curious investigators. Of course they will be wearing…

This beautiful Perry T-shirts!


Check out this cute ideas…

This first one was created by Simply Homemade Cakes

Assorted cookies and Perry the Platypus cake by cake central.

I want you to check out this wonderful idea by a very creative dad who took an episode in his own hands and built an inaction Perry, the toy who does nothing!  Here I post his own words to describe it…

Perry the Platypus Inaction Figure is a wooden toy that is modelled after Perry (Disney cartoon characters – Phineas and Ferb’s pet platypus).
In the episode
Toy to the World, Phineas and Ferb design a toy “so stupidly simple, so basically bland, so idiotically uncomplicated, that it can do absolutely anything.”
For my son’s 6th birthday party we all made Inaction Figures, it was a lot of fun!!

To check out his step by step guide to make your own Perry Inaction Figure, go to…

Who doesn’t love this amazing characters capable of doing anything and willing to do everything to have fun. To be honest,  I can totally understand them, and fully relate to them!

For more Party Hosts, Decoration Ideas and Fun…

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6 Responses to “Phineas and Ferb… and Perry the Platypus Party”

  1. Kathy Lowy Says:

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  2. Pine Wardrobe Says:

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  4. lili Says:

    hey mates stella on the ball im in hollywood with the cartoons !!

  5. sugar cookie recipe Says:

    sugar cookies…

    […]Phineas and Ferb… and Perry the Platypus Party « Hippojoy's Blog[…]…

  6. Petter Says:

    Great. I love Phineas and Ferb. Now I got inspired to make a Perry chair. Hahahaha….. 😀

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